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Linda is on the road thanks to Finance One

Jun 25, 2021 | Client Success

You may be able to get a car loan with a bad credit history, and still benefit from experiencing caring customer service. Take a look at how one of our clients upgraded her vehicle with Finance One.

Linda was surprised to discover she had a bad credit history, but she was still able to get a car loan thanks to the supportive team at Finance One. Linda was so pleased with her initial experience that she called Finance One again when it was time to upgrade her vehicle.

Based in NSW, Linda was amongst the thousands of Australians who, until it came time to apply for a loan, had no idea that she had a bad credit history.

As an Aged Care Nurse, Linda needs a small but reliable car to get from A to B. When she decided to buy a vehicle in 2016, it took some time to find a suitable lender due to her bad credit history.

Linda came across Finance One after comparing some different options and was pleased to realise that Finance One are a locally based lender with headquarters in Australia.

After dealing with the Finance One team on the phone, Linda was able to purchase the car she wanted. In 2021, Linda was ready for a more up-to-date vehicle. She contacted Finance One to refinance her existing loan.

“Finance One helped me out with my original loan in 2016 when nobody else would or could due to bad credit. They helped out under the proviso that I do the right thing, which I did,” says Linda. “That loan had 18 months to go and I contacted them to ask if I was able to refinance.”

Within a week, Linda has refinanced her car loan and purchased a newer vehicle, despite being a busy shift worker.

“Dealing with Finance One was a mixture of phone calls, text messages and emails, which was easy,” Linda shares. “They’d send me an email or text and I’d respond. It took around three working days to be approved.”

After finalising everything with the car yard, Linda is happily behind the wheel of her new white Toyota Yaris. “It’s really cute!” she says, “And it suits me to a T.”

“I thought initially Finance One would turn me down like everyone else did because of my past but they said if I was happy to stick with their rules and manage everything without issues, they would be happy to take me on. What else could I ask for?”

Finance One took Linda’s busy schedule into account when helping her to refinance her car loan. “They always asked what time they could call or contact me and understood that I work day shifts. It was really really good.”

Linda spoke with just two people from Finance One; the representative handling the loan application and the finance administrator. Both were based in Australia.

“They were both absolutely wonderful. They go out of their way. They could have said no to my car loan because of bad credit but they went through every step they needed to go through.

“They made sure I was happy and I understood everything. If I asked a question and they weren’t sure, they would double-check and get back to me.”

Linda says she cannot fault Finance One. “I would highly recommend them. I trust them implicitly. I found them so considerate, genuine and caring. The interest rates were good in comparison to some other lenders and they are pretty competitive.

“I was also looking at the repayments and what those would cost, and they helped me out with that as well.”

When recommending Finance One to other people who may be struggling to get a car loan with a bad credit history, Linda says “There really is a finance company out there with options, that does really care about you, not just the money. People need to know about them!”

Finance One is a non-bank lender that provides opportunities for everyday Australians to access car loans, even with a bad credit history.

If you’re having trouble getting a loan through a bank or larger lender, get in touch with Finance One to find out how we may be able to help.

Disclaimer: The information above is of a general nature only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the information relates to your particular circumstances.  We do not accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information.

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Makala Elliott

Makala is the Marketing Manager at Finance One. She has worked in the Finance and Lending industry for over 10 years, gathering a wealth of experience. She is passionate about helping Australians get back on track with their finances by passing on her knowledge.

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