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A simple, quick first car loan experience

Jul 13, 2021 | Stories

New South Wales resident Asinate was able to quickly arrange her first car loan with help from the specialist team at Finance One.


A car accident in 2020 left New South Wales resident Asinate in need of a new vehicle. Being a shift worker meant she was unable to rely on public transport as she often finished up late at night.

However, Asinate had never applied for a car loan before. She wasn’t sure of the process and didn’t know who could help.

After searching online and sending some enquiries, Asinate was quickly contacted by Finance One. Finance One were able to get in touch with Asinate via email and also exchange correspondence via text message, so as not to interrupt her at work.

“I was first contacted by Sheree and then I worked with Rebecca to sort out my loan,” Asinate explains. “It all happened very quickly and I had the money I needed within two weeks.”

A fast, simple car loan process
Asinate’s first car loan was made easy thanks to the rapid approval process at Finance One. “I explained I had issues with a low credit rating in the past but had paid off all money owing in full,” she said. “This meant there was no problem getting my first car loan.”

After supplying some information about her employment, address, living expenses and other liabilities, together with a certified copy of her ID, Asinate had approval and the funds she needed to purchase a second-hand Mitsubishi Outlander.

“It feels good to be driving it!” she exclaims.

Friendly, helpful car loan service
After her experience, Asinate is happy to recommend Finance One.

“They are based in Queensland and it was good to deal with someone in Australia,” she says. “You feel like you are speaking to a real person and it was great to get such quick responses.”

“I definitely recommend Finance One. They were very helpful and able to deliver a positive outcome, especially considering I had no prior experience borrowing money to buy a car. It is a big thank you from me!”

Talk to Finance One about applying for your next car loan.

If you are like Asinate and need a car so you can travel to work, reach out to Finance One.

Our team is looking forward to hopefully finding the best way to help you, even if you have a bad credit history. We will talk to you about your current circumstances and recommend the best option.

You can expect personal service and contact from just one or two team members. This allows us to get to know you so we can hopefully help meet your needs, in the fastest way possible.

If you’re in need of a car loan, reach out to us or apply today.

Finance One is a non-bank lender that provides opportunities for everyday Australians to access the funds they need for a car loan.

If you’re having trouble getting a loan through a bank or larger lender, get in touch to find out how we may be able to help.

Disclaimer: The information above is of a general nature only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the information relates to your particular circumstances.  We do not accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information.

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