No matter how desperately you need a car loan, it’s always in your best interests to borrow responsibly. Payday lenders may offer you quick cash but their product isn’t suitable for financing a motor vehicle. Eco-friendly cars are picking up in popularity, but should you really shell out for one in a country that currently doesn’t offer tax breaks on hybrid or electric car purchases?
Eco-friendly cars may come with a higher price tag in Australia, but there are many reasons to consider making the switch. If you’re in the market for a new car, read on for just a handful of the many reasons why eco-friendly cars are the pick of the future.
1. Eco-friendly cars help the environment
By driving a hybrid car, you can greatly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases you emit, and by opting for an electric car, you eliminate carbon and sulphur emission altogether. The cleaner air that results from driving an eco-friendly car directly benefits your city and the health of your community. Everyone wins!
2. Eco-friendly cars are energy secure
Instead of wasting a natural, finite resource like oil, you can rest assured in the fact that your eco-friendly car utilises electricity. No matter what happens to the price of petrol or the messy politics behind it, an electric car can continue to run.
3. Eco-friendly cars are great for your wallet
Purchasing a hybrid or electric vehicle is pricey upfront, but using less petrol over time will be a revelation for your bank account. Even if your car is hybrid and still requires some petrol, you won’t burn through it nearly as quickly (even on the highway!). Some countries also offer tax deductions to those purchasing eco-friendly cars. Here’s hoping that Australia will soon follow suit!
4. Eco-friendly cars are often more comfortable to drive
Hybrid and electric cars come in all sizes, so you can opt for the model that fits you and your family’s needs. They’re lighter than traditional cars, making them easy to handle, and they function well whether you’re sitting in the slow lane or pushing the speed limit. Hybrid and electric vehicles are also extremely quiet, which may take some getting used to, but you’ll never disturb the neighbours revving up your engine again.
No matter what kind of car you have in mind, Finance One can help you finance your car payments with a personal car loan. Our team will make sure you receive the right car loan you need at an interest rate that won’t break the bank. Learn more about Finance One car loans on our website and blog, and contact us today to start the process of buying a new car.
The information contained in this blog is accurate only at the date of publication.